Ventureprise Launch NC IDEA Summer 2017 Alumni

Troop Score

Troop Score is a website where one can anonymously rate the VA or private hospital and clinics so the Vets and military family can make their best health care decision with these independent ratings and reviews.

Aaron Sanders

Career Unlocked

Career Unlocked is a certified veteran-owned business focused on making tools that connect companies with talent.

Andrew Lee


Jemma L. St. Lawerence


Chrysmo has created a marketplace platform that connects homeowners with local home improvement professionals for instant, affordable one-to-one help with home improvement projects around the house.

Manoj Doshi


Notable provides technology to help companies look beyond “fit” to find diverse candidates that will continue to add value for the long-term.

Lindsey Haaser

Noah’s inc.

Noah’s Inc. develops algal growth systems and cultivates algal biomass for the manufacture of protein, astaxanthin and other derivatives for use as nutraceutical ingredients in food and beverage industries, and for commercial fish/animal feed industries.

Robert Brinkley